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Showing posts with the label Permanent TSB/ESRI survey

Irish House Prices Crash...

Prices down by 40% since peak... 2008 Review: PROPERTY VALUES: Residential property prices have fallen further than people realise, says estate agency chief Keith Lowe - but he says next year could show a recovery THERE IS STILL much after-dinner discussion as to what is really happening in the residential property market, only now the subject matter has changed from how high prices are, to how far property prices have really fallen. At the moment, due to data protection legislation, the media, buyers and sellers alike are starved of accurate information on the actual sale prices that are being achieved for property, leaving consumers with a wholly unsatisfactory vacuum of information. As a result, most interested parties turn to the plethora of house price indices produced by a variety of organisations. One of the most respected indexes is the Permanent TSB/ESRI house price survey. Having the ESRI involved has given this survey independence whereas other surveys are deemed to have so