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Showing posts with the label Willie Randolph

So Who's To Blame????

Post "poperty boom", Ireland is now in "property crash" phase, and the country's finances are in dire straits. But it's not just Ireland going through bad times - there's a lot of turmoil elsewhere like in the who's to blame there???? "Spicing up the blame game with some new contenders... Now the Dow Jones Indust­rial Average has dip­ped into bear-market terri­tory, it's time to address an important matter: We need new people to blame. The latest trio of popular villains is so unoriginal. Short sellers? Oil speculat­ors? Accounting rulemakers? Surely we can do better. After careful study, and some occasional attention to factual detail, I propose a new set of people and things to blame for the market meltdown, around which we all can rally in the shared cause of finger-pointing, schädenfreude, and the illusion of accountability. The sole criterion to join my list of Seven Deadly Sinners: they all had to be just as much to blame as sh