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Showing posts with the label Phil Hogan

New 'Property Tax' Will Happen...

Confusion as Hogan insists 'property tax' will happen... Environment Minister Phil Hogan insisted last night that a new flat-rate household charge -- a precursor to a property tax -- would come in next year. The minister's statement of intent came following confusion created by Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Tanaiste Eamon Gilmore, both of whom said no formal decision had been made. The household charge will be used to pay for local services and will ultimately be replaced by a full property tax based on the value of the home. The Government will also bring a separate water charge, once houses are metered. But the details of this rollout will also have to be sorted out by the Government. Following the split over Enterprise Minister Richard Bruton's proposals to cut wages for low-paid workers, the Coalition was again forced to deny a clash between Fine Gael and the Labour Party. Despite Mr Hogan clearly signalling a new property tax-style charge would be introduced...

Property Tax On Way...

Property tax on way within year... THE Government has been ordered by the EU/IMF to impose a property tax on all homeowners within a year. The controversial annual tax is expected to be announced in December's Budget -- even though it was not in the Programme for Government. The imposition of the tax and the precise timeline for its roll-out are key requirements for Ireland to avail of the EU/IMF €85bn bailout package. And the Department of the Environment confirmed that the tax will rise within a year of being introduced. Details of how and when the so-called 'site-valuation tax' will be introduced and increased are in a briefing note prepared by civil servants for Environment Minister Phil Hogan. The document has been obtained by the Irish Independent. Under the heading "EU/IMF requirements", the document states that Ireland must "adopt a property tax by end Q4 (quarter 4) 2011", adding that this tax must then be increased by the end of 201...