Grinding despair of negative-equity generation hangs over all our lives... All truth passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. Arthur Schopenhauer Ireland, 2031. A teenager and his teacher are walking out of an economics class. "My God, what lunacy," says the teen. "I can't believe that the banks were allowed to behave like that." "I know," answers his lecturer. "Imagine, they were able to sell full-recourse mortgages to naive first-time buyers, often way over 100 per cent, without any risk to themselves whatsoever. No wonder they all went mad and pushed money on any poor sod they could." "And then when the crash came, all the big property borrowers and the banks were protected by the Government via Nama and the bank guarantee, while all the small homeowners were screwed?" "Correct, son." "That's not capitalism,...
Is Ireland in a new property bubble? Follow us to keep updated for 2024. We take a look at the daft property scene in post Celtic Tiger Ireland! Discover our selection of the top Irish property news and watch house price trends for Ireland and more...