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NAMA €90bn Squandermania

NAMA: The €90bn gamble Sweeping powers for 'bad bank' 1,400 loans from 50 top developers THE Government last night gave its 'bad bank' sweeping powers over developers and judges as it unleashed a €90bn plan to rescue banks and kickstart the economy. But Finance Minister Brian Lenihan admitted it could take up to 30 years for the new National Asset Management Agency (NAMA) to sort out the toxic bank assets. The State will effectively become one of the biggest property owners in the world as NAMA is granted extensive powers to take over land and development projects from borrowers who are not keeping up with their repayments. Among the more controversial provisions in the proposed new legislation -- described by Fine Gael as a massive gamble -- is a radical series of rules and procedures to ward off legal attacks that could be disastrous for taxpayers. But the plans, which include limited appeals to the Supreme Court and a clampdown on injunction proceedings, have alarmed

It's So Toxic...

Government to publish Nama legislation today... The Government will today publish legislation setting up the controversial National Asset Management Agency (Nama), the State’s new toxic assets agency. The €90 billion “bad bank” scheme will use Government bonds to buy property loans at a discount from banks, which will then be able to cash the bonds with the European Central Bank. The draft legislation will be published at 5pm today on the Department of Finance website, but the Government intends to amend it next month when it is debated by the Oireachtas. The complex draft laws run to 150 pages and contains more than 200 sections. Nama will operate under the aegis of the National Treasury Management Agency. Banks will have one chance to appeal the price put on their loans by Nama to “a valuations panel”, which will advise the Minister of Finance Brian Lenihan, but the final decision will be his, the Department of Finance has said. Officials expect that loans to the 50 largest property

Sold...Into Life-Long Debt...

What happens if you voluntarily surrender your home? If the sale doesn't cover the mortgage you could be in trouble... One of the unspoken legacies of this recession will be the hundreds of people left paying full-term mortgages on properties they no longer own having been forced to sell at massive losses by the threat of repossession. With the 12-month moratorium on repossessions agreed as part of the government's recapitalisation programme for the Bank of Ireland and AIB and political pressure generally, the prime lenders are reluctant to be seen opting to force people out of their homes. However, it's understood that many are opting to give customers in serious financial difficulty six months to sell their property despite the fact that they are almost certainly going to do so at a significant loss. That this option avoids the repossession process is almost irrelevant to the mortgage holder because the end result is the same – the customer is left with a potentially huge

Fiscal Ruin Of Western World

Fiscal ruin of the Western world beckons... For a glimpse of what awaits Britain, Europe, and America as budget deficits spiral to war-time levels, look at what is happening to the Irish welfare state... Events have already forced Premier Brian Cowen to carry out the harshest assault yet seen on the public services of a modern Western state. He has passed two emergency budgets to stop the deficit soaring to 15pc of GDP. They have not been enough. The expert An Bord Snip report said last week that Dublin must cut deeper, or risk a disastrous debt compound trap. A further 17,000 state jobs must go (equal to 1.25m in the US), though unemployment is already 12pc and heading for 16pc next year. Education must be cut 8pc. Scores of rural schools must close, and 6,900 teachers must go. "The attacks outlined in this report would represent an education disaster and light a short fuse on a social timebomb", said the Teachers Union of Ireland. Nobody is spared. Social welfare payments m

Rise & Fall Of Tiger Nouveau Riche...

Rise and fall of the Tiger nouveau riche... NOW THAT we’re in an economic war zone, I’ve been thinking about the Economic War. As my family was a direct victim of that conflict, I was reared with a rather one-sided view of the times that went beyond the abstract account in history books... My great-grandfather retired from a successful medical career and bought land in Meath which he farmed profitably. He must have done well because my grandfather was educated privately in England and in a literal manifestation of his position in society there was even a family pew in the upstairs gallery of the rural parish church. All went well until Éamon de Valera, the most pernicious and malign figure in Irish history, in a fit of ideological insanity implemented a set of policies that cut off our country’s only export market – England – for our only product – food – and thus crippled Ireland’s economy and in the process permanently ruined that class of people to which the now poor Dr Carey belong

Sniptoeing Through The Tulips...

No Sniptoeing through the tulips for Brian's gang... Colm McCarthy was laid-back, but serving up his menu to a queasy public is going to strain Ministers’ stomachs... AFTER YEARS of high living, our political leaders arrived at the Café From Hell yesterday and were forced to confront a menu of the most foul and indigestible choices. The Taoiseach and his Ministers will have recoiled from the bill of fare, but they also know that if they don’t order and dispatch an ample sufficiency, the consequences for them and the rest of the country could be catastrophic. There’ll be no Sniptoeing through the tulips for Brian and the gang after the steaming mess of cuts that Colm McCarthy served up to their sophisticated noses. What’s worse, when they’ve properly perused what’s on offer, they’ll have to dish out McCarthy’s recommendations to an already queasy public. Will the Government have the stomach to do it? Brian Lenihan – the man who has to send out the plates – appealed for calm after th

It's A Miracle - Recession Religion...

Until we see some real green shoots, praying to a tree stump may be the next best thing... It's a miracle. It's a sign from above in bad times. It's a tree stump. It all depends on where you stand, how you view the tree stump in the churchyard in Rathkeale, County Limerick. People from all over the country have been coming to pray at the stump, in which they perceive an image of the Virgin Mary. Workmen removing old trees from the grounds of the Holy Mary Parish Church, having sawn away the upper part of the tree, noticed that the leftover stump had an unusual shape. They believed it looked like the Virgin Mary. The parish priest could have seen this as a great opportunity to revive the faith, but instead, he talked commonsense. "There's nothing there," he said crisply "It's just a tree. You can't worship a tree." God help him, he's fighting an uphill battle, as local teenagers line up in the Church in the evenings to say the Rosary in a